Paint Table Saturday

Here is a brief update of what's been on the workbench this week.I got a lot of work done on the Deff Dread and the first ten Boyz. The Deff Dread need finishing work on the ammo chutes and then greenstuff. The Boyz are well into paint at the time this gets published,...

Abhuman Technoheresy: Spanna Boyz Mob 001

The Lykans and Da'Namians arrived as my last post indicated. I got right to work on getting legs and torsos paired, then heads, arms, and weapons.I made up the figures in two batches of five. They got pinned neck, waist, and shoulders to give them hardiness. One ended...

Evil sunz boyz

After a bit of a break this summer from painting orks I have begun to make progress on the speed freaks army I was meant to start earlier this year. I now have a loose plan for what I want … Continue reading →

Evil sunz boyz

After a bit of a break this summer from painting orks I have begun to make progress on the speed freaks army I was meant to start earlier this year. I now have a loose plan for what I want … Continue reading →

The ork take over continues!

Apologies for not having posted in quite some time. This will hopefully change very soon, and with a little bit of luck some new models to show off!In the mean time the orks have once again invaded and my friend has very kindly agreed to guest post again and show of...