by xNickBaranx | Aug 22, 2014
Broken Contract worker revolt scene by Geng GendallOn September 1st I'll be launching the Kickstarter for Broken Contract, the sci-fi western themed miniature board game I've been working on for almost a year now. This week will be a flurry of activity as I try and...
by xNickBaranx | Aug 4, 2014
Tents by me. I'm not sure about the figs. Box design by Anton Zaleski.Last update I showed off some tents and a campfire that I painted for Wreck-Age which were painted up to be used in their box art. Well here it is! I think they came out pretty well.This pic shows...
by xNickBaranx | Feb 12, 2014
Breaker Concept Sketch by Oliver Zavala. A lot of people viewed the Artist Wanted Ad a few days ago and I got some responses. For those who might be interested but don't want to commit to anything, I created an initial "design brief" so that you can scribble something...
by xNickBaranx | Jan 23, 2014
Boylan's Ginger Ale and board games. This is from the first play testing session with Monkey (pictured) and Chuck (capturing the moment). Also pictured: Lisa, Ian Mackaynine, and Jean Harlow (making out in the far background).I've talked about the background to the...
by xNickBaranx | Jan 19, 2014
Breaker with pneumatic drill concept sketch by Oliver Zavala.Up until sometime last week, Broken Contract had only been played by me, alone in my living room. I've sent the rules to ten of my trusted gamer friends for scrutiny and got a good amount of feedback and...