Ray Harryhausen – RIP

Ray Harryhausen has so instrumental in forming my early childhood that I can scarcely imagine what it would have been like without him. I dare say I may not have discovered gaming at all were it not for the fascination I developed with hydras, animated statues,...

Kev Adams – Goblinaid

The hobby net has been alive with the news that legendary miniature sculptor Kev "Goblinmaster" Adams was attacked during a burglary on his home. He was badly beaten, and while his injuries are extensive he has been discharged from hospital. He will need  some...

‘The Hobbit’ Miniatures – New Pics

Here we are, some pictures from White Dwarf showing the miniatures from the new Hobbit box, one presumes. Some nice looking minis, especially the mutant goblin types and the fat troll king guy. The warg riders are pretty cool too. Would I buy it though? Probably not....

Warriors of Chaos – First Pics

 Via Dice and Brush, we have some pictures of the new warriors of chaos releases:The skullcrushers and hellstriders look pretty much how I thought they would. It's nice to see some of the special characters finally getting a model, Festus looks interesting from...