Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Anchor Steam Beer.

John here with another brew review (More Reviews found here). Today I am blogging about a classic American Craft beer; Anchor Steam. Anchor brewery was producing craft beer before the "Craft" scene was even a scene. They have a huge following of fans and are among...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Goose Island Sofie

John here with another brew review. For today's beer we head over to Goose Island and checkout their saison Sofie. As a way of being out and honest, this is one of my least preferred styles. I have always failed to enjoy this style, of course their are exceptions. The...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Great Lakes Brewery Limp Puppet

Time for another beer update. Today we look back at my favourite summer 2015 beer. I was lead to this beer by it's great can artwork. It really helped it standout on a crowded shelf. Limp Puppet by Great Lakes Brewery, is part of their Tank 10 range. The Tank 10 range...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Amsterdam Framboise

Framboise's scare me, I've had a few great ones in my time (like Hornbeer springs to mind), but I have also had some true howlers as well. Fingers crossed this Amsterdam Brewery Framboise is a good one. Quick bit of background for you all, Framboise mean Raspberry, so...