Adepticon Update!

SeerK here with a quick day 2 update almost live from Adepticon.  The WayGate crew is currently running our all day Firestorm Armada Grand Tournament, also known as The Schaumburg Prime Offensive. Friday we ran demos of Firestorm Armada and Firestorm Planetfall....

Adepticon Day One!

Adepticon 2015 Day 1SeerK here once again, bringing you some almost live coverage of Adepticon 2015.  Yesterday was a good start to the week. We did demos of Firestorm Armada and Planetfall in the afternoon. We had quite a few people stop by the booth and say hi...

Admiral on deck!

It's been almost a year since I poked my head in here and what a year it's been.  Games Workshop has continued to do everything they can to destroy their fanbase and other games have expanded as a result.  Of course that's another rant that may or may not...

Firestorm Armada PT 3: Building a Fleet

Seasons Greeting all! SeerK here with part three of my introduction to Spartan Games Firestorm Armada. We have had an overview of the major races in the setting and an overview of the game turn. We are now going to look at list building. Building a fleet in Firestorm...