Firestorm Armada Pt 2: The Turn

Greetings! SeerK  from The WayGate here once again. Today I am going to be taking you through a turn of Firestorm Armada. Last time we covered the six core factions and gave a little background on each of them. Now its time to get down to business and talk about...
Firestorm Armada: An Introduction

Firestorm Armada: An Introduction

Greetings! SeerK here to initiate you into the world of Firestorm Armada. As some of you may or may not remember this is not my first appearance on Dark Future Games. I was, up until about a year and a Half ago, a long time 40K player and owner of Craftworld Lansing....

Kurak Alliance Fleet Guide – A Review

Continuing on from looking at the second edition rules, it seemed only right to take a look at one of the Fleet Guides released by Spartan in answer to the recurring grumble that there were no defined army lists or background. Never let it be said that Spartan...

Storm Zone: Battle for Valhalla – A Review

Part 2 of my Firestorm Armada second edition review is finally here. Apologies for yet another long delay. There’s a lot going on in my world at the moment and it’s pulling me away from the site far more than I’d like. But anyway… Storm Zone:...

Firestorm Armada 2nd Edition – A Review

First an apology for being so quiet for so long. I was on holiday for a week which should have warranted an explosion of writing on my part. But there was no wifi. Heck there was very little phone signal. And chasing a toddler around acres of woodland, it turns out,...