Firestorm Caen: Conclusion

After two months of bloody battles across three continents, the global Firestorm: Caen campaign has finally come to an end. In this blog post I will summarize the campaign and announce the final victory points for both sides. I'll also recap the total players from...

Firestorm Caen: Turn 5 Results

February 1st saw the conclusion of the Firestorm: Caen online campaign. In this post, I will post up the results of the battles for Turn 5. Next week I will post up a conclusion and results for the overall campaign. This post will include the results for each of the...

Firestorm Caen: Turn 5

In this blog post I'll share all of the details for the final turn of the Firestorm: Caen campaign. After 187 games, the Allies hold a slight lead in victory points at 657-645. Unfortunately for the Allies, this hasn't translated to campaign success as the...

Firestorm Caen: Turn 4 Results

This week saw the conclusion of Turn 4 of the Firestorm: Caen online campaign hosted here at Rust and the City. In turn 4, we had a total of 44 games played. As results started coming in the Germans held a massive advantage in all campaign map locations. The Allied...

Firestorm Caen: Turn 4

At long last, here are the battles for Turn 4 of the Firestorm Caen online campaign! To date, 143 battles have been fought across the world as the Allied forces try to wrest control of Normandy from the stoic German defenders. The Allies have had a slight edge in the...