Near future wor*fare

Near future wor*fare

When mum came back from the war her skin was on inside out and she was crapping through a hatch in her belly button. That was nothing. Last time she'd coughed her lungs up and if not for the nanopills we'd have needed to stuff them back in ourselves. Like we did with...

Failed divine?

Time for more Flash Fearsday, for a weird start to the week. This time too I'm following Jennie's lead, focusing on cards, but in particular tarot, in this case used for divination.Flash Fearsday is ultra-short flash fiction - an unsettling narrative in just 140...

Getting internally organised

Jennie's back posting at Nine Worlds, Ten Thousand Things after a rough few months, and hot on the heels of C'nor at Lunching on Lamias too, another much missed blogger.Following her lead diving back into the flash fiction, here's mine this week. For everyone who...

An unexpectable journey

I haven't posted any flash fiction for a while, and I used to put up a story with 140 characters pretty much each week, so today I found a few minutes to see if I still can; 140 is a good mental workout.As inspiration this time I took a few subjects I've been...