Making bigger things out of foamcore, pt. 2

So what about that monument temple made from foamcore I talked about last week? Let’s find out! Here’s where we left off last time: The basic assembly is complete and the building has been undercoated in black: While everything was drying, I decided to...

Making bigger things out of foamcore, pt. 1

It’s been quite a while since I last posted about building terrain, but since the weather has picked up considerably in the meantime, it is now time once more to go outside, hit the tool shed or garage and build some wargaming terrain! The funny thing is that I...

Ruined buildings — quick & easy

Another quick and easy tutorial of sorts: This time we’ll deal with how to easily build a couple of ruined buildings in very short time. Ruined buildings and crumbling hab-blocks are a staple of cityfight tables in particular and 40k terrain in general....