Now open for commission work

Now open for commission work

I’ve made the jump. After years of doing it part time, I finally decided to make the jump and start painting full time. It is exciting and definitely really motivating. The main change will be that I will not be as picky as I used to do in what I chose to paint....


Here you will find my basic rates for commission work. As said, these are the basic rates, depending on the various request of the customer, these may increase.   Rules: 1) These prices do not include the cost of the models. Models will need to be shipped to me...

GD UK & Eurotrip 2013

I know, I know, this post is quite late considering that Games Day UK 2013 was more than a month ago. But, in my defense, I just got back home a week ago after being away for 6 weeks. So after cleaning up my stuff, dealing with various things, here is my article on...

A dragon from start to finish

Painting a dragon… This little phrase often mean an imminent nightmare for a lot of us. They are big and iconic creatures. They are fierce and command respect. They are also something deeply imprinted in our geeky culture. You cannot really reinvent the wheel...

Worthy of House Targaryen I hope.

Quite a few weeks back, I announced some piece of great news. I had receive a commission from one of my favorite author (my absolute favorite being either Orhan Pamuk or Omar Khayyam depending on how I feel (I tend to like the later when I’m drunk which is...