Expanded Warhammer 40K Force Organisation Chart

It’s cool to see how people try to update the graphical references for building lists and armies in Warhammer 40K after the deluge of supplements and Codexes we’ve in past months. A short while ago, we saw an updated Allies Matrix (with a few mistakes,...
Review: Imperial Armour Apocalypse (2013 edition)

Review: Imperial Armour Apocalypse (2013 edition)

Many of us enjoy using unique units, and when Forge World comes out of a new rulebook, we are keen to see A: what's in it from before? and B) what's new? Despite the name, Forge World's latest read, Imperial Armour Apocalypse, has units for both apocalypse games and...

showcase: 1500 pts Thousand Sons Foce (Wartorn UK)

Wartorn is quickly approaching, but I am now safe in the knowledge that my fighting force is all painted and ready for battle.The list has remained relatively intact, but those eagle-eyed viewers will have noticed there is no more Rhino for my Thousand Sons. After a...

Tactics: Thousand Sons

It should be obvious by now, I love Thousand Sons. I've played the army twice in my gaming history (the Chaos marines evolving from Sons, to Iron Warriors, to Black Legion, to a custom war band, and then coming full circle). They form the core of my force, and are...