Horus Heresy Review: Aegis Defence Line

Background Yes -- even in the Horus Heresy, you can find Aegis Defence Lines. They're basically barricades designed to give a bit of a cover save. Strengths Park your ranged tanks behind them. Place a full Lasrifle Section behind them (and preferably on top of an...

Horus Heresy Review: Imperial Castellum Stronghold

A dedicated fortification available to the legion armies. I feel this was mostly included to provide the Imperial Fists andĀ Iron Warriors -- and in particular Kyr Vhalen -- a point to occupy and defend from a position of advantage. With this fortification and Vhalen,...

Vengence Weapon Battery

I don't know why, but I really like this model.  It's a little repetitious to paint but turns out great.  I'm keeping to my imperial theme and it's not a game changer on the board, but a great way to hold an objective and provide some anti flyer interceptor...

Fortress of Awesome – Army of One

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I've done or amazing figures I've seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you'll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Today we...

A First Look at Codex: Imperial Knights

A first quick look through the new Codex: Imperial Knights for Warhammer 40K. I amĀ building an Imperial Knight miniature, mostly just for the hell of it, but I was naturally curious to get my hands of the full rules (yeah, I suppose the White Dwarf statlines...