Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

In a blink of an eye, a new year is upon us. As we wind down in preparation for 2014, I would like to take this opportunity to wish one and all a Merry Christmas as well as Happy Holidays for those of you fortunate enough to get time off to spend with your family. May...

Game of Thrones – Shae [Completed]

On my first attempt at painting sheer fabric, I resisted a strong urge to overdo it a la the "wet t-shirt effect" and instead went for a more subtle effect. So the end result was more of a hint of flesh through diaphanous material. A less subtler effect would have...

Nocturna Models Freya [Completed]

Woo hoo! Work on Freya of Nocturna Models is done after less than two weeks of consistent painting comprising about 1-3 hour long sessions per day. While not perfect, Freya is by far the best work I have done to date although the Black Legion Forgefiend that I painted...

Nocturna Models Freya [WIP – Armour & Shiny Stuff]

While painting Freya's armour, I realised I had the opportunity to try applying a gloss varnish on some parts of the armour, specifically on the precious stone on her leg armour and the plating on her gauntlet. I chose to paint both in turquoise as it went well with...

Nocturna Models Freya [WIP – Clothes]

From the very beginning, I had envisioned Freya clothed in varying shades of green. With her skirt likely to be made from flimsier materials, it made sense to paint that in the lightest shade of green. That left her vest and left arm covering which I painted in a...