WIP – Chaos Dwarf

WIP – Chaos Dwarf

Hope you all had a nice Christmas and didn't explode from all the delicious food you got :) Since here the weather is really bad (rain instead of snow and most of the time pretty windy) I couldn't prime my harpies (I have black as spray can primer) so I loaded up my...

Rebel Grots: Lots of Painting in Progress

Hello all, As of last Monday I had 25 un-primed infantry and three tanks that weren’t fully built, all of which needed to be painted for the Standish Standoff on Saturday.  I pretty quickly gave up any hope of actually finished them and focused on getting them...


Hopefully they are 100X better then in the previous codex, because this kit is Amazing!! Enjoy! Oh Yeah... here are the other pictures of the new models so far: