New Space Marine Concept Art?

  So.... Who else is excited that codex space marines is coming out next month?!?!?!I know that I am!Instead of sharing all of the rumors which I am sure you have read a million times now, I want to share some concept art with you. Apparently space marines...

Rebel Grot Basilisk: Tank painting complete!

Hello all, I have finished painting the first basilisk for my Rebel Grots army.  I haven’t sealed it yet so there is still a bit of gloss where I’ve used washes but I don’t think it will change much in the pics.       This is definitely my...

Rebel Grots Basilisk PIP: A little more paint and one crewman WIP

Hello all, I was out of town for most of last week so this is another progress update without a whole lot of progress.  But I do keep moving forward!  I added a bit of rust and dust to the basilisk and started building the crew.  Comparing these pics to...Read MoreThe...

Rebel Grots Basilisk WIP: Ready for paint!

Hello all, I’ve finally made it: the first basilisk for my Rebel Grots is ready for paint!  I took some final WIP pictures for this post but as I write this the primer is drying on my first basilisk.  I haven’t added crew yet because they’ll need to...

Rebel Grot Basilisk WIP: Adding armor plates

Hello all, Here’s a quick update on the Basilisk I’ve been working on for my Rebel Grots.  Progress continues to be slow but at least I’m still moving forward.  Once the tank is finished I’ll work on the crew.  I am at the point where it is...