Second Basilisk for Rebel Grots (Scratch Build)

Hello all, Although I was fairly productive last week I haven’t made a lot of progress on the tanks.  I took some time one evening to try out a lasgrot conversion that was stuck in my mind.  I took another … Continue reading →The post Second Basilisk...


Felt monsters are conquering my table.. .HELP ME! Nah just kidding. They are tooooo cute to be really dangerous or even a thread :)Felt monsters attack!If you wonder why the hell I am showing these... My wife got a crush on those and started making them herself. Two...

Rebel Grots: Infantry Squad 2 amost complete

This entry is part 12 of 14 in the series Rebel Grot Infantry Yellow PlatoonHello all, I’m still chugging along on Infantry Squad Yellow II for my Rebel Grots army.  With the home improvement efforts wrapped up for not I … Continue reading →The post...

Just Released: Forge World Outriders

For everyone who though Forgeworld Pre-Heresy Jet Bikes were cool... CHECK THESE OUT!The price is a little steep, but they do look pretty cool!  I envision these being apart of a command squad or even a unit of black knights (especially since you can equip them...

More Legion of the Damned!

Hey everyone just a quick update today.I came across some high quality shots of some of the legion of the damned models, which I had painted up by Ninja Garden Studios.  Therefore, why not post them up on the blog?  It will give you guys a better idea of how...