Just Released: Forge World Outriders

For everyone who though Forgeworld Pre-Heresy Jet Bikes were cool... CHECK THESE OUT!The price is a little steep, but they do look pretty cool!  I envision these being apart of a command squad or even a unit of black knights (especially since you can equip them...

More Legion of the Damned!

Hey everyone just a quick update today.I came across some high quality shots of some of the legion of the damned models, which I had painted up by Ninja Garden Studios.  Therefore, why not post them up on the blog?  It will give you guys a better idea of how...

A New Addition to the army, Devastators

I said I would never use Devastators.... But with the addition of Allies, and most importantly Dark Angels breathing new life into my bike army I found a excuse to build some new models and add some overdue AP2 love to my force. Whole Squad:One by one:Hieroglyphics's...

A Second new addition to my army: Librarian on Bike

I know "Bike" is a stretch but I love the Games Workshop Horses."Thoth"is my take on a Librarian on bike, a conversion that sat half finished for nearly a year before I got back to him. Thankfully the often vaunted Dark Angels provide a superior Librarian for a...

Rebel Grots: First Infantry Squad with Lascannon is Finished

This entry is part 9 of 12 in the series Rebel Grot Infantry Yellow PlatoonHello all, I’ve completed the first Lascannon team which wraps up the first infantry unit for my Rebel Grots IG army.  Here are pics of the … Continue reading →The post Rebel...