A New Addition to the army, Devastators

I said I would never use Devastators.... But with the addition of Allies, and most importantly Dark Angels breathing new life into my bike army I found a excuse to build some new models and add some overdue AP2 love to my force. Whole Squad:One by one:Hieroglyphics's...

A Second new addition to my army: Librarian on Bike

I know "Bike" is a stretch but I love the Games Workshop Horses."Thoth"is my take on a Librarian on bike, a conversion that sat half finished for nearly a year before I got back to him. Thankfully the often vaunted Dark Angels provide a superior Librarian for a...

Rebel Grots: First Infantry Squad with Lascannon is Finished

This entry is part 9 of 12 in the series Rebel Grot Infantry Yellow PlatoonHello all, I’ve completed the first Lascannon team which wraps up the first infantry unit for my Rebel Grots IG army.  Here are pics of the … Continue reading →The post Rebel...

Rebel Grots: Lascannon 1 PIP

This entry is part 8 of 12 in the series Rebel Grot Infantry Yellow PlatoonHello all, This past week I managed to paint the lascannon and one of the crewmen for my first Gretchen heavy weapons team.  I am almost … Continue reading →The post Rebel Grots:...

Army Showcase: Darrin’s Iron Warriors

The group I game with is lucky enough to have quite a few talented gamers in the mix. To help give a bit of variety to this site I like to showcase some of the armies my friends have made. Today’s showcase is this awesome Iron Warriors army built by Darrin...