Battle for Bekrin Round 2

Turn out was great this Sunday for the end of Round 2! We had so many people down to play that we actually ran out of tables! To make sure everyone gets to play I  just want to remind everyone that Meeplemart is open on Saturdays now from 12-5. Turnout is lower on...

LotD Dred Bash

Who is excited for another teaser of my in progress legion of the damned army?The army is practically finished (minus the display board) and it is looking amazing.  I can't wait to finally show it off at Da Boyz this upcoming weekend.This time I am showing of my...

Minotaurs! (no the other kind)

And now for something completely different.Take a look at this Minotaur unit, tell me what you think!?! They are currently for sale on ebay and could be yours! Just go HEREAlso of note this week is that you can now find ipaintmodels (my commission painting service)...