Rootbound Brotherhoof

If we're looking for 2020's silver lining, the corona quarantines have gifted many hobbyists an opportunity to finally complete their unfinished miniature projects; the time spent inside can be invested efficiently into modelling and painting! We've seen so many of...

The Iron Arm

These Sons of Medusa were one of the forces created in secrecy for War Head Civil War, our crew's traditional tournament for annual bragging rights. The event has been more than just a gaming day with the closest hobby friends, as it's always a premiere stage for new...

Deus Imperator Vult

Corrin Craterus, the Pariah-Colonel of the Steel Legion and the Archon of Hamartia province, serves at the front lines of Armageddon's ground operations as the commander of his regiment "Hounds of Hamartia". Craterus's missions are grim and almost suicidal, as he...

War Head in Talvisota 2020

War Head was once again present in the traditional Talvisota gaming event, arranged last weekend by Nopat & Taktiikka Ry and their hard-working associates. The tables were set for a total of ten tournaments and over 140 participants and we were happy to support...

Experiment: Paint a miniature just by washing…

...and one drybrush for highlights.So jep that is exactly what I wanted to do today. "Painting" a miniature with only washes and one drybrush step. Why? Because I did read quite a lot of fast painting tutorials who exactly did that for armies like Skaven, Goblins or...