Battle Report: Chaos Space Marines vs Chaos Daemons

Last night my Chaos Space Marines, Disciples of Twilight, played a game against Chaos Daemons. I’m still experimenting and brought a list to try out a Sorcerer in Terminator armor with Terminators as well as a Defiler. Now that I don’t have to make the...

Leman Russ Heavy Bolter Sponsons WIP

Hello all, I’ve been working on sponsons for two of my Leman Russ tanks.  Though I don’t feel they are worth the points on an ordinance platform because they can only snap fire when the ordinance is fired, sponsons on a Leman Russ are otherwise well worth...

More scratch built sponsons, and an army shot

Hello all, I’ve added sponsons to the second Leman Russ Exterminator.  They’re pretty much the same as the first one I did, nothing really new.  I still need to add the weapon mounts and weapons for these.  Here’s a shot of the two of them: I am...