by Chaosheade | Dec 3, 2011
This pic makes me want to facepalm so hard but I can't keep myself from laughing at this every time I see it. And now you will too. No need to thank me. Found here.Hey everybody, Chaosheade here back from another little blogging hiatus with...
by Chaosheade | Nov 1, 2011
Very cool and inspirational model by The LeadHead. See also: the making of.Hey all, Chaosheade here again. I've kind of been neglecting my blogging lately but it's mainly because I've been getting a ton of modeling done which is pretty awesome....
by Chaosheade | Nov 1, 2011
Welcome heretics, xenos friends, and loyalist scum wishing you can be as cool as us. Welcome to another post by your beloved (or reviled) heresiarch, Chaosheade. Life is continuing to kick my butt pretty thoroughly. Work, my wife catching pneumonia...
by Chaosheade | Sep 21, 2011
I'm back, baby!found here thanks to google image searchHey everybody, Chaoshead here and I'm very happy to announce that I'm back in the hobbying saddle again. After an extended hobby funk I finally got back to modeling. It started with getting...
by Chaosheade | Aug 15, 2011
"Painting the Pod" sounds like it could be some clever euphemism for something else... too bad it's not.Hey everybody, Chaosheade here with a hobby update on the spore pods I created last week. I wanted to have a finished pod ready to show off today but...