Black Tree Design review – Wraiths and Dwarves

I took advantage of a recent sale over at Black Tree Design and bought a selection of Dwarves, Undead and feudal humans. There was a small delay in the order due to the humans being... The post Black Tree Design review – Wraiths and Dwarves appeared...

Hobby Time – Water Elementals

Its been a while since I blogged rather than just posted some pics so hello again MyWargame, here's some hobby Neil of Orange style. I've been working on a Kings of War Forces of Nature on and off for a little while now and really enjoyed the challenge of hunting down...

Kings of War – Centaurs

I've been enjoying the fresh and simple approach to fantasy wargaming that Kings of War has provided me for around a year now.  I've been slowly tweaking my army collections to take advantage of the forces available in that game, so while my undead are seeing some...

Hobby Tutorial : Painting Graveyards and Churches

Happy New Year readers! Neil of Orange here with some hobby hints and tips.  I received some nice scenery from Santa this year and have been working away on some of it in the last week or so.  I've been slowly adding to my collection for a few years now and a theme I...