by Lauby | Mar 13, 2014
Part of an ongoing WIP series. You can find the rest of it under this tag: Sons of Medusa Terminator WIP Just a quick update on the ongoing Sons of Medusa Series as I realize posting has become a lot more intermittent as of late. To be honest, progress on the...
by Lauby | Mar 11, 2014
Part of an ongoing WIP series. You can find the rest of it under this tag: Sons of Medusa Terminator WIP Aaaaaan we're back! I managed to sneak in a couple of painting sessions over the past few days among all the actual gaming I've been doing. Then I decided that...
by Lauby | Mar 6, 2014
Part of an ongoing WIP series. You can find the rest of it under this tag: Sons of Medusa Terminator WIP So far my plan, to condense multiple days worth of same-y work into one interesting post has worked out. It also gives the other authors a chance to sit on the...
by Lauby | Mar 3, 2014
Part of an ongoing WIP series. You can find the rest of it under this tag: Sons of Medusa Terminator WIP I spent my painting time over the weekend getting an undercoat laid down for the various metallic parts that'll be on the models. It was fairly tedious work, so...
by Lauby | Feb 28, 2014
Part of an ongoing WIP series. You can find the rest of it under this tag: Sons of Medusa Terminator WIP So it turns out that did catch a bit of a bug. The main features of which are post nasal drip and a sore throat. However the dealer also threw in 'interferes...