What Next

Wow it has been a long time since I've posted on the blog.  I check it daily to see my blogroll and check out everyone else's sites but I just haven't taken the time to put in work on mine.My wife just recently took up a side gig to help coordinate social media...

Hobby Project Debate

Now that I've detoxed from Adepticon for awhile I have been dabbling in a little painting.  I'm debating on what my next projects will be.   Here's my "short" list.  The reason I'm prioritizing is we have kid #2 on the way in October.  Plus...

2016 in Review and 2017 Resolutions

2016 has come to a close and I'm already tearing through 2017.  It was an interesting year, and I didn't tackle as many of the projects I was hoping to as I was busy in other hobbies (sword fighting), and balanced the work and family life. I also put some...