Hobby Season 2014/15 Review

The 2014/15 Hobby Season draws to a close, and how did I do? Well I managed to complete 5 out of 17 items on my list, these wereBlood Bowl Elves - there is still a Treeman to add to make them more interesting but for the first time ever I have two, painted,...

Dark Angels Scouts – MOAR pics.

Sorry to eek this out [money for old rope?] it just seemed far too many pictures for one post but moving on the scouts are perfect for shooting from cover :)So here's some individual close-up shots so you can pick out all the detail.Quite pleased with the tread on his...

Dark Angels – Scouts TO DONE!

I've split these pictures up into two posts for a couple of reasons, one it can be quite daunting to see a page full of stuff and this means you only have to devote a small amount of time over two days compared with twice the amount of time on one day. Also, given how...

‘nids part 172 – Genestealer Cultists – TO DONE!

I don't quite know why I got a sweat on for completing these guys. They are on my list so I don't feel too bad about allocating hobby time to them even if they're currently of zero use to me. But these were actually a little bit more fun to paint that the Free Radical...