by 40kaddict | Aug 28, 2019
Having covered my achievements over the past season it's now that I look forward to the new one. As usual my list is pretty much everything I still haven't completed from previous seasons. In fact this is almost a copy/paste from last years post! But I am working...
by 40kaddict | Aug 26, 2019
The 2018/19 Hobby Season draws to a close, and how did I do? Well, obviously events happened in October 2018 that meant the hobby wasn't high on my list of priorities. One could say that it forced me to focus more on real-life but that really wasn't what I was...
by Dave Weston | Aug 28, 2018
Having covered my achievements over the past season it's now that I look forward to the new one. Apologies but my list is pretty much everything I still haven't completed from previous seasons. But I am working through these each year so the system does work....
by Dave Weston | Aug 21, 2018
The 2018/98 hobby season will be starting soon so for those alumni who joined in last year it might be cool to look back at your lists at what you've achieved , what might have slipped and those lovely unexpected successes that happened despite life getting in the way...