by Inquisitor_dunn | Nov 5, 2013
Been a few months since WIP Wednesday graced the Ole Blog, but it's back! Some great hobby progress this week as I am trying to get my Sisters of Battle ready for battle... Nov 16th I'm going to make the trek north to...
by Inquisitor_dunn | May 25, 2012
Ok, I have been away from my blog for too long. Alot has happened this week from a massive wind storm that took out 20+ trees in our town, including one in my front yard, to playing some Dust and 40k. Fliers are coming out next week, and 6th is around the bend!...
by Inquisitor_dunn | May 10, 2012
Ok, I have been neglecting my blog a bit lately. On a good note, I have not been neglecting my hobby. I have been playing alot of games recently. So on to this BOGO of articles!First up is what I have been working on this week. My Bugeater GT list has taken some turns...
by Inquisitor_dunn | Apr 9, 2012
Hey everyone, hope you had a good Easter! Been pretty hecktic around here with painting, gaming, and family stuffs going on. Next event up for the ol Inquisitor is Mage Con April 20th-22nd. Mage Con is a convention held 50 miles away over in South Sioux City at the...