Hobby Tools: Upgraded to an Evolution Airbrush

Hobby Tools: Upgraded to an Evolution Airbrush

Like two weeks I have tried out some airbrushing for the first time, I deliberately bought a cheap Airbrush because I didn't know If I liked it or not. Well I did, it's so much faster to put down all the base colours. especially for vehicles. But the cheap gun I use...

Review – New Citadel Tools vs Hobby Tools Part 3

Forgive me, but I think I saved the best new Citadel Tool review for last (I really wanted to see if the new clippers lived up to the hype). Trust me I want to buy new tools, I really do. Nothing is more helpful in this hobby (or any hobby/job) that having the right...

Review – New Citadel Tools vs Hobby Tools Part 2

So what do you think about the new Citadel Tools everyone seems to be talking about? Personally I'm very torn on what to think about them, they seem to be pretty handy. The price however seems to be a huge turnoff for most. When I started this review, I had no idea it...

Review – New Citadel Tools vs Hobby Tools Part 1

"Are they made of gold?" - was the first comment I heard when the new Citadel Tools debuted last week. Clearly something was amiss and as it turned out the MSRP on the new Citadel tools is indeed the highest in the miniature industry, but no that doesn't necessarily...

New Citadel Tools from Games Workshop (and Selling Fast!)

With the Astra Militarum release apparently completed, and (presumably) Wood Elves in the pipeline, Games Workshop is putting in a release of Hobby Tools this week. Shiny new clippers, knifes, drills, and similar goodies to work away on your miniatures. I must...