Holy Order in the Heavens

Here's a slightly different version of Sircan Nura, as I get her ready to lead the Holy Order in the next titanic struggle!This time around, I went with darker set of robes which would allow me to do a little nebula effect.I wanted it to contrast with the reddish...

The Blue Mile

More blue marble bases, which means there must be more Holy Order of Man figures on the way!!This base is meant for a second Tumbler.The two small bases are for additional Spica hired hands, while the medium sized base is for Mimreg Zain.I am very glad that I chose to...

Up In Smoke

When we last left our heroes. they were struggling against the River Gals, who mysteriously knew in advance that the Holy Order of Man would be in town.Since surprise is a staple tactic of the Order, they would be at a major disadvantage in this fight.  Old Man...

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

Following the desperate struggle the Holy Order fought against Carpathian and his dastardly creatures, the citizens of Wappelville had begin to spread rumors about shadowy figures wielding arcane, but yet extremely powerful weapons.They spoke of a giant wheel which...

Portable Portals

At last Mimreg Salto is here!  The portal packing character is a sidekick for the Holy Order of Man.While her primary function is to place these portals around the board, she does have a handy Relic Pistol that can do some close up damage!Here's a few views of...