Cadaver’s Showcase – Caestus Assault Ram

Hello to everyone! Cadaver here from Home Of Cadaver Imperial Fists are my main Space Marine army. I have been working on them for many years now so I think that it would be nice to share with you some of my work! Starting with my Caestus Assault Ram: This model just...

The Empire Strikes Back – Cadaver’s Showcase

Hello people!  Cadaver here from Home Of Cadaver and this time I would like to share with you a trip to my memory lane, my forever ongoing Empire project! My relationship with Warhammer Fantasy was always a weird one. Is like having this really cool relative that...

Old Skool- Mk1 Death Guard Land Rader

Hello everyone!  I would like to share with you a model I have and I am really proud of. The retro Mk1 Land Rader. Cadaver here from Home Of Cadaver, and there really is no school like old school, don't you think?  I had this model for as long as I...

Hot- Death Guard Marshal Conversion

Durak Rask was a fanatical follower of his Primarch, and viewed Mortarion as a preternatural saviour from his early youth on the benighted world of Barbarus.  Having first been accepted into training into the Death Guard Legion when he came of age, Rask's innate...

HOT- Chaos Helldrake of Nurgle Conversion

Hello everyone!  Cadaver here from Home Of Cadaver Has it ever happened to you, having a unit from your codex that you absolutely love but on the other hand you hate the model that is available for it? Well that's exactly what happened to me with the...