Reaver Titan – Transfer WIP

Hi one and all,To complete the Reaver I've decided to try to produce my own transfers. Currently there are no Decal sheets produced by GW, thus I opted to try something new.I have purchased some water slide decal sheet paper, and will be trying this out over the...

Homemade Terrain!

Hello Strangers! Been a while since my last post unfortunately. University has been getting in the way. Damn you education system! Now I have 4 months of holidays so I should be getting back into it.Unfortunately, right now I'm the only one back so until my compadres...

Wetting The Palette

While browsing through some of the other members blogs on From The Warp, I stumbled across a post on The Wild Riders that has inspired me. You know that feeling when there’s something missing from your hobby, but you haven’t quite got around to figuring...