Honor the Codex: Back in Black // Ride the Lightning

Hello and good day readers. Today's post was originally going to be centered around digging unique tricks, units, and builds out of all the Marine codices (seeings how they've all been updated!) but, by good fortune, GW saw fit to release two new Space Marine...

Honor the Codex/Critique Corner Mashup: Bikes!

It's that time again! Sparrowhawk has given me another list to review. Today's order? 2500 points of bikes, bikes and more bikes, crossing party lines to find White Scars, Dark Angels, and even a Knightly friend, as well as some timely air support. Now, before...

Honor the Codex: Building Steam, Talking Tax

For those of you have been longtime readers, you know that we here at Rites love talking about how 40k plays for different armies at different points costs. Whether we're talking about kill team, escalation leagues, tournaments, or apocalypse, it's fascinating...

Honor the Codex: Brewing up some MSU

I figure it's high time to put my money where my mouth is. This past month, I've penned around an article a week, and with the exception of the last, both revolved around the latest and greatest marine codex, including a list review for a reader's...

Honor the Codex: Back with a Vengeance

Greetings disciples, and welcome to the return of Honor The Codex. With the dawning of a new codex, it would make sense to reevaluate our stance on units, formations, and tactics. This won't necessarily be another full review, but more a changelog, built off my...