Honor the Codex: Pt. 6 Elites

Honor the Codex: Pt. 6 Elites

Ah, now we're finally in to the heart of the beast. For an army that bills its self about being elite, the elites slot must be something truly special, right? Well... Maybe. Keep reading and find out if this jam packed section truly lives up to its namesake.Read...
Honor the Codex: Pt. 5 Troops & Dedicated Transports

Honor the Codex: Pt. 5 Troops & Dedicated Transports

Hello students and welcome to the fifth part of our study of the Space Marine codex. Today, we elaborate on some of our fundamentals that were covered in our primer. Today, we look at the necessary evils which define our power armored friends, tactical squads and...
Honor the Codex: Pt. 4 Generic HQ’s

Honor the Codex: Pt. 4 Generic HQ’s

Hello dear readers and welcome to part four of Honor the Codex. Here we truly start to dig into the options that our new Marine codex has to offer. There's certainly a bevy of them, but ultimately the question hangs of which options are worth utilizing (especially...
Honor the Codex: Pt. 3 Named Characters

Honor the Codex: Pt. 3 Named Characters

Welcome readers, to the third part of my Space Marine review: Honor the Codex. Already we've discussed special rules and Chapter Tactics, as well as the Warlord Table and Relics. Today, we follow up on those discussions by examining the characters associated with...
Honor the Codex: Pt. 2 Warlord Traits, Relics & Wargear

Honor the Codex: Pt. 2 Warlord Traits, Relics & Wargear

Hello and welcome to our second part of our review of the 6th Edition Space Marine codex. As a primer to the series, we laid out some ground rules for a basic understanding of Space marines, and our first part took a look at the various special rules associated with...