Sculpting the Mountain King

When I decided to prop the Mountain King's hand up on a log, the last thing I was expecting was it to turn into the mass amount of resculpting this project required. The model was designed to go together in a specific way, with no allowance for repositioning.It was a...

Pinning Heavy / Large Models to Bases (and Mountain King WIP)

"Overkill is my style...and I think big." *Today I'm going to look at a couple ways to attach models to their bases that'll be more secure than just gluing them down. On larger scale models or those that are heavy, you really want to make sure they're firmly attached...

Painting Stone and Completed Warsong Champions

Aside from my Mountain King, I also recently completed a unit of Warsong Hordeblood Champions. (Photo at the end) I've carved stone in the past for this project, but today I'll demonstrate painting it instead.Why might I decide to paint rather than carve? Well, for...

The Elemental King Surfaces

Followers of My Facebook are aware that since the beginning of February, I've been working on the Trollblood Gargantuan model, the "Mountain King." (For the game Hordes from Privateer Press.)I'm proud to say that 4 months later, my Elemental King is complete and a...

Play like you’ve got a pair!

Had a little inspiration the other day, decided to create a twist on an old quote... Visit Wargaming Tradecraft for organized links to detailed tutorials on painting, techniques, supplies, musings and more. There's also an email link to ask the author for advice.