Privateer Press – New releases

New Warmachine and Hordes releases from Privateer Press...--------------------PRIVATEER PRESS NEW RELEASESDEATHJACK - CRYX CHARACTER HEAVY WARJACKFor more than 200 years, the necromechanikal horror called the Deathjack has haunted the wilds of western Immoren....

Privateer Press – New Releases

New releases from Privateer Press...---------------------JANUARY WAVE 1 NEW RELEASESTROLL BASHER - TROLLBLOOD LIGHT WARBEASTWielding enormous maces made from salvaged scrap metal, the ferocious troll basher is the favored warbeast of many Northkin. Troll Bashers are...

Privateer Press – Newsletter

Event and release news from Privateer Press...-------------------PRIVATEER PRESS NEWSLOCK & LOAD GAMEFEST TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE Privateer Press will be holding Lock & Load GameFest 2018 on June 22-24 in Bellevue, Washington!  Check out JR...

Privateer Press – Newsletter

'Lock and Load' tickets are now available for all you Warmachine and Hordes fans...--------------------TICKETS AVAILABLE NOWNEW DATE!The date has moved back in time a wee bit. Lock & Load 2018 will be happening June 22nd through June 24th. This should give all of...

Privateer Press – December Releases

The latest releases from Privateer Press...DECEMBER NEW RELEASESLIEUTENANT BASTION FALK - CYGNAR SOLOA battle-hardened gun mage of the Order of the Arcane Tempest, Lieutenant Bastian Falk takes on special assignments in support of the Cygnaran Army. He has mastered...