The Art of Ian Miller: Studies in Transmogrification

‘Twitch once, Miller and you are king of the heap. Twitch twice and you’re inconsolably lost. Carry on and remember the twitch’ Last year as part of our Jagged Visions series, I wrote a gushing account of my personal experiences with Ian Millers work.  Shortly after,...
There’s arcana dwelling

There’s arcana dwelling

Back before the most recent vanishing I added a few new entries to Greg G's Arcane Dwellings table, but it's not built yet. It needs 11 more by my count then it's ready for Underworld Lore #4.What's UL and where are #1-3? Answers over at Gorgonmilk just down the left...

Of Mycorrhizae, Addled Mere & Deigma

If you're an older school roleplayer, skirmish wargamer or 'zine fan especially and you get off on weird inspiration, or if like your gaming material mixed up with a little speculative natural philosophy - if you're a bit of a delver let's say - you might well find...
Digging the Gravelands

Digging the Gravelands

Have you seen this? While I was in stasis, Hereticwerks released a first shortform module, GL-1, Taglar's Tomb.It's a revised and expanded take on a site they posted for Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day last year. If you're a regular reader, you know what I...
The Wednesday Gallery

The Wednesday Gallery

Due to a lack of inspiration lately I've decided to have a break from writing for the House of Paincakes blog network until I've accumulated enough ideas to make it a regular thing again. You'll still see the occasional article from me there when something springs to...