Eyeballs, fungi, fantasy ads, sanity, plus mighty Fubar

Eyeballs, fungi, fantasy ads, sanity, plus mighty Fubar

If you like weird fantasy and especially if you play old school tactical roleplaying games, take a look at Underworld Lore #1. It's the first in a series, a free pdf zine published by Greg Gorgonmilk. I've got some contributions in there, but so have plenty of other...
The Nature of Gothic: Grotesqueness

The Nature of Gothic: Grotesqueness

This is the fourth, most brief key argument from "The Nature of Gothic" by John Ruskin, first printed 160 years ago and arguably more relevant than ever. I'd recommend the first, second and third too, for fans of M31-41, as well as everyone creating or thinking...

Where I’m at

I've been catching up as best I can and it's been intense. If anyone's interested, since Tuesday's post I've commented on some worthwhile reads:Settling the Feral Shore (immigration for old school RPGs), Hill CantonsPainting Minatures and the Danger Zone (creative...
The Nature of Gothic: Naturalism

The Nature of Gothic: Naturalism

Here's the third key argument from "The Nature of Gothic", an influential essay by John Ruskin. Like the first and second parts, it may be a valuable read, possibly for people with an interest in 40K, but maybe all the more so for anyone creating or thinking...