by Porky | Dec 26, 2012
Of all the games you've known or loved, what fine fusions would you make if you could?I wouldn't mind exploring the early version of Necromunda from GW's Confrontation, but in the form of a networked Fighting Fantasy gamebook that's still a paperback, borrowed from a...
by Porky | Dec 17, 2012
I want to show more of the scope in the braner concept, so this is the first in a series on possible applications for gaming and in wider fiction. It's propluristemic content, meaning it's designed for use in no particular game system or setting, for adaptation as...
by Porky | Dec 10, 2012
Last week I posted a weird new monster, alien or supernatural being that references M-theory - the noö-braner. If you missed it, the basic braner is essentially a trans-Euclidean lifeform able to slip more or less freely across various dimensions.It could be the basis...
by Porky | Dec 3, 2012
This post at False Machine reminded me of noisms' recent suggestion that "Creating a truly new monster is difficult, and perhaps impossible". I thought I might have a go at it.A noö-braner is a trans-Euclidean being able to bleed freely across any and all dimensions...
by Porky | Nov 24, 2012
I haven't posted any flash fiction for a while, and I used to put up a story with 140 characters pretty much each week, so today I found a few minutes to see if I still can; 140 is a good mental workout.As inspiration this time I took a few subjects I've been...