Horus Lupercal Primarch of the Sons of Horus

Horus Lupercal Primarch of the Sons of Horus

"Where there is no vision, the people perish."Proverbs of Old Earth+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This is my second take on the glorious warmaster. This time I have painted his robe red to emulate the Forge World job. I muted the contrast on the armour ever so slightly...

40k Showcase – Horus Lupercal Warmaster of Chaos

"...And so I will deal with all tyrants and deceivers." Epic is a word that fits this model. "...And so I will deal with all tyrants and deceivers." Epic is a word that fits this model. From a single sentence in the background history, the Heresy grew. Over 25 years...

Horus Heresy: Warmaster – A Review

Jumping into the Horus Heresy can be pretty daunting. It is, after all, a galactic civil war that makes the one in Star Wars look like school yard fisticuffs, and Black Library don’t always make it easy on us. Between the books not always following on from one...