X-Wing Hoth Themed Board WIP Update

Hoth Battle Board for X-Wing Update Hi guys, this evening after watching a recording of the most Excellent Ripper street from BBC 1 (If you have not yet seen it you really must!) i thought i would share in my Hoth themed DIY project update.The Imperial AT-AT Walkers...

X-Wing, Hoth Battle Board Update.

 Hi guys, last night i made a small start on my upcoming Hoth Battle board for use with my X wing games.I managed to "aquire" four 18 inch square boards, thus when put together i will have a 3' board.I then put sellotape all the way round so that when i putr the...

New Project for X-Wing: Battle of Hoth

Hi guys, as you may already know, i recently purchased the X wing game by FFG and am a big fan of it. I have since decided i want to build my own board for this as its only played on a 3x3 board, as opposed to the usual 6x4 so this keeps work to a minimum already!A...