Finished! Wrath of Kings C.A.G.E.

This was one of my entries for this year's Crystal Brush, which was an incredible show this year. I have to say that every year the skill level seems to increase but this year was much more apparent. In the wake of such well known artists I'm just happy I could hold a...

Wippin Teknes, step 3!

He's really coming along and this weekend was all paint jamming all the time. Only pausing to eat on my feet momentarily. Nearly complete at the moment, here are some proof of life before I went crazy.Sure, anyone can paint the front of the banner but don't leave out...

Preparing the Banner of House Teknes

I was really excited to get to this point. Some deep down and detailed freehand. After making some practice sketches to get a general idea I set to sketching my design over the black field. I didn't care to much about being messy here, it will all be covered in the...

Preppin and Steppin to the house of Teknes

This piece has been floating around my workspace for too long now. It was a gift from a friend at last year's Adepticon and I intend to show him the finished piece this year. Wish me luck! Here are those first steps..After the airbrush.Bare-assed base. There is some...