by gereth | May 9, 2015
Olá Leitor. Esta é a versão em inglês da segunda parte do artigo “Visiting Britain’s Lead Belt: Warhammer World”. Você pode encontrar a versão em português aqui: “Visiting Britain’s Lead Belt – Warhammer World...
by gereth | May 9, 2015
Hello Reader. This is the Portuguese version of the 2nd part of the article “Visiting Britain’s Lead Belt: Warhammer World”. You can read the English version here: “Visiting Britain’s Lead Belt – Warhammer World...
by gereth | May 8, 2015
Hello Reader! This is the article everyone could see coming from a mile away, but it ended up taking me more than a year to write this. It seems I’m perfecting the art of taking a while to write articles here on the blog. Joking aside I do...
by gereth | May 8, 2015
Salve Leitor! Este é o artigo que todo mundo sabia que eu teria que publicar aqui, mas que levou mais de um ano para nascer. É parece que eu estou me aperfeiçoando cada vez mais na arte de me enrolar para publicar novos artigos aqui no blog. ...
by gereth | Oct 3, 2014
Hello Reader. Today’s article is the Portuguese version of the article published here on the blog yesterday, featuring our visit to the Games Workshop store located in Bath in the UK. Do check it out today if you missed it by any reason. ...