by IDICBeer | Jul 26, 2015
Nick speaking,Really starting to get there with the second unit of 13th Company Wolves. That's the freehand Shoulder Pads and Power Weapon effects done, plus the eyes, gems and bases. Now to highlight the grey and black so that I can weather them... ...
by IDICBeer | Jul 23, 2015
Nick speaking,I recently had a few requests for a tutorial on how I paint my Emperors Children pink on my 13th Company Space Wolves. So as requested here is a little video of me showing how I go about it. I hope it's useful to someone...
by Myles David | May 10, 2015
Imperial Knight Warden Glycon the Last Lion of LysPaints used: Vallejo, Reaper Master Series, Games Workshop Washes, Com Art Medea AirbrushAirbrush: Iwata CR Plus High LinePaint Brushes: Rosemary & Co. Raphael 8040, Broken Toad BrushesEBAY
by Myles David | Apr 3, 2015
Forge World Event Only Alpha Legionnaire. At the Horus Heresy weekender the topic of the alpha legion cropped up. Exactly what colour are they? It seems every new document or image portraying this legion has contradictory information. In some images they are...
by Mini Brush Studio | Jun 26, 2014
This is a tutorial on using two of Games Workshop’s Citadel technical paints – ‘Ardcoat and Lahmian Medium – to apply decals to miniatures. The technique is the same, and I’ve talked about it earlier. I find it particularly useful for...