A tale of “X” Gamers – Space Marines 012.

    Hello folks!   Finally, we get to the last article in this series! I admit I am a little late, but that’s not without reason. My studies, mostly, demanded a great share of my time and I couldn’t leave this aside. When the texts and seminars were...

A tale of “X” Gamers – Space Marines 011.

Hey folks!   The end of the “A Tale of X Gamers” project is approaching, at least for me! This month, my chosen unit was one of Terminators. I chose an assault configuration for two reasons, first because I didn’t have a unit like this yet, and also because some old...

A tale of “X” Gamers – Space Marines 010.

    Hello folks!   We’re almost at the end of the challenge. In my last article, I mentioned some changes that some units had to undergo after the release of the actual Codex Space Marines. This month was dedicated for one of them: The Devastator Squad....

A tale of “X” Gamers – Space Marines 009.

    Hello folks!   Another month, another model finished. I’m almost in the end, and reaching this point gives me an extra boost to try harder to finish everything as soon as possible (that, and a few new models in line that I want to work at after I...

A tale of “X” Gamers – Space Marines 008.

  Hello folks!   It’s been a while, right? Over the course of the last months I was very busy taking care of my personal life, while also working on some projects different from this. I’m studying again (for an inorganic chemistry doctorate degree), and this...