Dual Command in DzC

Hawk Wargames has done something very cool, which should not really be much of a surprise as they are becoming experts at this in the industry. The release of new command vehicles is for each of the factions a very cool addition to the game. It opens up a new world of...

DzC: The Use of Gunships

There are a lot of units that people debate on whether to use or not, or even how to use. Fast Moving flyers normally get the most chatter, but the one that seems to be forgotten the most are the gunships.Gunships often come with an amazing array of guns with great...

Blood Angels and Relics of the Armory

This question may have come up if you are a Blood Angel player in regards to bringing a second Relic of the Armory for 40k games using Forgeworld rules.Read more »
Imperial Armour 13: Chaos Early Winners

Imperial Armour 13: Chaos Early Winners

Hey everyone, it's Adam from TheDiceAbide again, back for more punishment.  Hot on the tail of my Heretics and Renegades First Impressions, it's now time to properly read through the book and talk about the specific vehicles that jumped out to me and why....