Astra Militarium Cadian with Contrast

Another quick contrast tutorial, but this one showing how to paint up a Cadian trooper for Astra Militarium.  If you're collecting an army of these guys this will help get them looking good quickly and on the table top.Read more »

Farstriders with contrast paints

Here's a quick tutorial on how to paint Stormcast guys quickly using Contrast paints for a non-metallic gold look.  Its not the best paint job, but its quick and easy and I think it looks decent on the table top.  Check after the jump for more pictures and a...

Ork Boyz with Contrast

Here's a quick tutorial for painting Ork boyz using contrast paints.  Since most ork armies need lots of boyz it's handy to have a method to get the masses painted quickly.  The nice thing with contrast paints is that you can always go back and add...

Terrain from spare parts: Building a dead tree

Today I want to continue with my articles about how you can make terrain out of chunk or spare parts. This time I will show you, how you can make a dead tree (the one you can see on the left side) completely from chunk.What you will need for this:- Paper towel- A twig...

How to paint Iyaden

Another one from the archives, but not so long ago.  How to paint an eldar guardian in Iyaden craft world colours.  You can check out the original post here:'m...