Stormtalon weapon fix

The Stormtalon is a great kit, although I share the thoughts of what seems to be the majority of the internet: the assault cannon looks too strange, as if attached […]

How to paint Necrons infantry my way

Here’s a brief description on my way to paint Necrons quick and effective. After getting back into 40k, I wanted to play as quick as possible, ‘painted-only’ of course. So […]

How to Play/BatRep – Flames of War on BoW

Normally I am not into historical wargaming. My time when I played with tanks and build those fantastic Revell kits is looong ago. I even had some trenches and bunkers then.But yesterday the second part of a introduction of Flames of War was uploaded from Beasts of...
Hobby Basics – Cleaning your stuff

Hobby Basics – Cleaning your stuff

Today I had a very frustrating moment (to be honest moments): Since the wheather here is REALLY bad I loaded my wet palette, got my miniatures I wanted to paint and switched some nice music on. Then I wanted to do the first brush strokes and BÄMM! One brush stuck...

Hobby tips – Cleaning your airbrush

As some tutorials in the web I read tried to tell me told how difficult the cleaning process of my airbrush should be and how it really isn't I thought a short article to sum up my experiences would be the best.First of all: Cleaning your airbrush is neither...