CONCEPT ARTWORK – Once You Heresy You Cannot UnHeresy

CONCEPT ARTWORK – Once You Heresy You Cannot UnHeresy

You lucky readers, I bring you the original full-sized version of the smuggled concept artwork I snuck out from the GW Design Studio, including handy memos which might've been too small to read... (or am I presenting to you all photomanip fan parody artwork that might...
Thank you GW for the headless baby carrier mecha.

Thank you GW for the headless baby carrier mecha.

I have been 'reconditioning' a 2nd-hand Grey Knight Dreadknight model I purchased on the Bay of Ecstasy a long time ago, and decided wouldn't it be fun if I would show the not-a-toy to a bunch of kids, just to see what their reaction would be to it? I found me a...
What If James Cameron Made A 40K Movie?

What If James Cameron Made A 40K Movie?

I present to you the greatest Warhammer 40K movie never made: James Cameron's 'The Catachan'! This (parody) movie poster was a real labour of love, click to embiggen. Also, I challenge you dear reader, to spot all the easter eggs. There's approximately a whopping...
What if Games Workshop made Blood Bowl 40K?

What if Games Workshop made Blood Bowl 40K?

"Johann Richter of the Cadian Castellans successfully grabs the Power Sphere! But beware, xenos scum aren't far behind!" I love WH40k. I love Blood Bowl. How about Blood Bowl 40K? (and no, I don't mean Mantic's Dreadball smartypants! It's a pity grim and...

Disguises are Jolly Effective!

Back in the first year of the current millennium, old John Simpson of the BBC crept carefully into Afghanistan, disguised in a burqa. A decade and a bit later sees that nice Mr Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed (I presume his parents got bored, hence their inability to spell...