by Manus | Jun 5, 2014
Initially I had planned on placing the hazard stripes on the Hunters on the Fabricator gauntlets, as seen on the first pic. But once I had painted one I was pretty sure it wouldn't work anyway, the green powercord is already..well green, and I'm planning on adding...
by Manus | May 28, 2014
Worked in all the different layers of red, and though it's still difficult to photograph I think you can a good idea of the finished red. Well on to the next bits - lets get some color in there.
by Manus | May 26, 2014
Been working on the red over the weekend, doesn't really show up much on pics though. Left one has just the two base layers, the right one has a bit of shading done as well. Bought some really dark Vallejo red, so I'll try to alter my recipe a bit this time.
by Manus | May 22, 2014
The armour got a bit of paint and the the whole idea behind the minis starts showing it self. I think it's going to look pretty fine once done, I actually like these more and more as the painting progress. Initially I was a little in doubt if they would look too much...
by Manus | May 18, 2014
...left only a little time to paint. Instead the whole family went fishing, beautiful weather, tent, campfire and even a fish - the works. A great day with some much needed family-time.The hunter robots got a small paintsplatter though.