Lord Valkar, the Scarred One

Still full of energy from my recent “hobby apotheosis” (sorry, couldn’t resist), I would like to show you a new finished model today, and a rather massive one, at that. Those of you who have been following this blog for a while may recall my ongoing...

Lord Valkar, the Scarred One

Still full of energy from my recent “hobby apotheosis” (sorry, couldn’t resist), I would like to show you a new finished model today, and a rather massive one, at that. Those of you who have been following this blog for a while may recall my ongoing...

Lord of the Pit

Some of you may already have wondered whether my recent focus on Plague Marines, apart from earning me Nurgle’s blessing by way of the flu, had made me forget about the 4th assault company altogether. Far from it! In fact, thoughts of Khorne’s Eternal Hunt...

Getting started again…

Having been unbelievably lazy for a couple of weeks, I have recently undertaken a couple of steps to get back into hobby mode. As is so often the case with restarting an engine that has lain dormant for a while, the first moments aren’t pretty, with lots of...

Here comes the cavalry!

Right, I promised you a more substantial update for this week, and I fully intend to keep my promise! So what is this about? World Eaters riding juggernauts of Khorne, often referred to as “Brazen Knights”, are a bit of an ongoing dream for those of us who...